Golden Scapolite | New Light


Finding true clarity and discernment from higher perspectives.


A cosmic portal brings through star energy supporting us in creating a new golden future ~


~ Bringing awareness of past memories and future visions – helping you to move forward in your life NOW.


~ Enabling past wounds to drop away, clearing cellular imprints and wiping away old programming.


In this space, it allows you to pause, reflect and see things in a fresh light and new ways of living on many levels. It encourages living in the present moment and manifesting the future you want to co-create.


Awakens DNA in preparation for embracing and integrating higher frequency light.


Ascended Master Kuthumi assists with accessing higher consciousness, and greater self-awareness guiding the way into new territory.


What future will you co-create?


Made in Sunlight at Summer Solstice


Liberation, Awakening DNA, Expansion, Golden Light, New Earth, Uplifting, Reflection, Clarity, Kuthumi, Star Energy, Portal, Co-creation, Manifestation


Available to purchase in the Shop.